Saturday, October 23, 2010


Artifact #1

This artifact is based on providing teacher training. In this PowerPoint presentation, I assembled information about Inspiration software. My target audience is middle school teachers and the software can be used for all subjects, as well as organization and brainstorming techniques. This artifact is important to me because it helps me to prepare for the "real world" in education, where I share my knowledge and skills with other educators. Also, I enjoy creating PowerPoint slides and these exercises help to perfect my craft. In addition, I have used Inspiration for my own academic assignments and learned how to use it when I was a tutor at a writing center. I have seen firsthand how helpful it is with the process of brainstorming and creating.

Artifact #2

This PowerPoint presentation is from my EDUU 552 class. This is a short portfolio of my work that I did in class. It consists of using technology in the classroom. This artifact is important to me to include because it shows my understanding of computer skills and how to incorporate them into curriculum. Also, there were exercises on how to read STAR test results and create charts based on numerical facts. In addition, the rubric exercises were very helpful for future classroom grading. Moreover, I had a lot of fun finding graphics for these slides.

Artifact #3

I love this PowerPoint presentation! This presentation is on a chapter from an educational psychology textbook about the subject of motivation. It was the first presentation I gave in a graduate class so I really tried to make it visually appealing and fun for my classmates. The subject of motivation is universal so it can translate into many other fields.

Artifact #4

This PowerPoint presentation is from my first technology class at Brandman. It is an electronic portfolio and includes many of the assignments that I completed: from rubrics to standards. Once again, I had a lot of fun creating with color and images. There were some great reflection exercises about developing as a professional educator, as well as student assessment assignments.

Artifact #5

Another PowerPoint presentation! This is a mock exercise to present to High School English students on the subject of root words. This exercise was helpful in learning how to compile information about a subject and then present it in an engaging and colorful manner. The subject also emphasized the importance of learning root words in order to understand the multiple meanings of a single word in English and its historical origins.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for sharing your first-hand experience with Inspiration!

    Did you know that we added a Presentation Manager to Inspiration 9, allowing you to create a slide show similar to PowerPoint. What's great, is that you can take snap shots of your diagrams and include them directly in your slides.

    I'd be happy to tell you more. You may email me at connect(at) or find me on Facebook, Twitter or our blog.

    Thanks again for mentioning us!

    Sarah Cargill, Inspiration Software Software
