Friday, December 17, 2010

EDUU 515 - Teaching the Adult Learner

I hope in one year from now, that I can reflect on this course and program at Brandman, and how it has helped me to advance in my life and get my dream job. The theories I read in the book, Learning in Adulthood, did pertain to me as an adult who felt it was the right time to pursue my education during the recession. Also, after my graduating with my bachelors degree, I worked for several years. That work experience culminated into knowledge that I wouldn't necessarily have had if I had gone straight to graduate school. I was able to utilize a lot of my professional background into my studies in this program. I have two more classes left and I will be finished. This experience has felt surreal so far! I've been blessed to have had the best of both educational worlds: campus instruction and online instruction. I've learned a lot of important information, and I look forward to my journey as an educator.

Posting 7
Although I agree with all of the concepts of the Vision Tree's components, I think there is one component that has the potential to be included: lifelong student. In order to be a good teacher, you have to be a good student. I thought about this after ruminating on a conversation I had with a former classmate. She is employed to help classroom teachers with coping with autistic students. During her conversation, she mentioned that some of the teachers do not want to be taught anything as they claimed they've seen it all or know what to do already. We then got on the discussion on being a lifelong student if you are a teacher. All of us can never be "know-it-all"s nor is it possible to even be one. Most importantly, no one wants to really be around a person with that mentality because they feel like they are dealing with a superior complex persona. I recall the best teachers I had were humble enough to learn from their students, and treasured their feedback. Also, I think it is important to learn from your peers, and not work in a self-contained box. Personally, I have learned greatly from my peers, and their support was tremendous to me.

Posting 6
Portfolios are tools that showcase a combination of an individual's strengths, talents, skills, comprehension, analytical, and creative thinking skills. The employment of portfolios is necessary in these digital times to truly stand out from the competition in the employment seeking market. In relation to the educational field, portfolios are an outstanding evidence of work. The portfolio that we are assembling in this class would correlate to the concepts of showing evidence of what we have learned. I also like the idea of cross-learning. Some of the research articles that I have used and read for another class project are being included in the relevant research articles.

Posting 5
I’m not sure who would think that adult development is a crazy idea since it is a tenet of life. We are meant to mature at every age and then reach our expiration date. Those years in between each build on each other; therefore, we’re not static beings. There is a major difference between an 18-year-old and an 80-year-old. Both are considered adults. How about the difference between the 40-year-old and the 55-year-old? They are both considered adults as well but the fifteen years difference in age span would contribute to many differences in lifestyles, stages, and situations. I can give myself as an example as a seasoned adult. As a 32-year-old woman, I am much more experienced and knowledgeable - and slightly grayed and very slightly wrinkled - then when I was 18 years old. Even though the age difference is 14 years, it is an incredible learning and growth journey since that age. Yes, I was considered an adult then, with the responsibilities to vote, drive, work, and attend college. But I was so immature and naïve, among other things. I didn’t know how to survive in the world. After all of the years of trying, falling, getting back up, and trying again, I know I can survive based on experience. Learning through textbooks only provides the theories and facts but learning through practice is so much more practical and in-depth. I can say that my 20s were about the mistakes I’ve made and my 30’s are about exploring my life and career with wisdom. Adult development is natural, although multitudes of people try to fight it. My elder relatives “know” and “accept” their age. They feel it. They are that age. How can I relate to their situation as a 32-year-old? I feel like I have so much life left in me whereas they are preparing for serious illnesses and death. That difference is so drastic that it would be ridiculous to say that there is no adult development.

Posting 4
I believe what makes research relevant is when it is first identified out of a need to understand a particular situation, and then organize a process to research and understand the situation. For example, the research articles that I posted in my PowerPoint are about Women and Online Learning. The motivation behind the research is to understand the need to know about what women learners endure when they pursue online education, among other specific topics. Since more women are attracted to online education because of convenience and flexibility, there are many components of this phenomenon that deserve and yield further inquiries and studies. In addition, personal reflections are relevant research material as well. Even though they are subjective and may contain bias, there is much to learn from an individual's experience - especially with this topic. For example, the report that I included in my portfolio is titled, "The Third Shift: Women Learning Online" by Cheris Kramarae. Kramarae includes many quotes from women learners, which I believe, add to the genuine individual voice and communal experiences of women learners. Their opinions reflected their unique experiences. Here are some examples of individual quotes from the report:
"Because of my age (31), compared to the average college student (18-19), I feel I don't need the social aspect as much as someone younger may feel they need it. In fact, on some levels, I'm happy not to have to deal with other students." - Legal secretary, 31, distance learning experience
"Money is always the issue. My husband lost his business at 52, and at 59 sees the company he is working with going under. I have been looking for funding but have no good leads. I had to borrow from family for my last two classes. I feel like quitting because I'm adding such a burden with money we don't have." - Elementary school teacher, 56, married, distance learning experience

Posting 3
I can write a novella based on the question prompt for week 3. One of my main motivations into going into adult education is to be like a counselor to the adults I teach. Teaching adults would be a fascinating experience because teachers can learn a lot from their students as well. We have all been though stress and personal obstacles. Unfortunately, it's hard to deal with them when you're also working and going to school. When I was an undergraduate student, the kindness and support I received from several teachers/professors was tremendous and unforgettable. It was enough to make me say, "I want to be like them when I become a teacher." I haven't taught classes formally but did tutor adults in different mediums. I remember that when I gave out assignments, some of the students did not complete them on time. At first, that did frustrate me but I remembered what they were also doing during the week. They have so many responsibilities to juggle: spouses, children, ailing parents, illnesses, marital problems, financial problems, cultural barriers, work responsibilities, mortgage payments. From this experience, I will strongly consider my future students' present situations. Some ideas I have is to create a questionnaire or a writing journal, to know more about my student. I'm always curious about what makes a person; how their experiences, culture, and family shaped them. We are like living sculptures, constantly being sculpted by experiences. But I do not want to cut too much slack because it is still their responsibility to contribute in class and do their assignments. However, I am open to accommodating students if they really need it. Also, relationships with other teachers will be helpful to find out how they would handle certain situations or what their advice would be for being lenient.

Posting 2
My approach to class. I have to admit I was very nervous about starting. I have two online classes this semester and I'm determined to do both at the same time, even though there is an exorbitant amount of work between the two. The first two weeks I had technical problems with my laptop and have been using the computer lab on campus and the library. Aside from that, I'm enjoying my experiences so far, especially all of the intelligent and diverse comments on the discussion boards. The students' backgrounds are really interesting. Also, I've never worked on a WIKI with people I don't know so this is a unique experience. So far I made an online friend and WIKI partner, Shelly. I'm happy about that and hope to keep in contact with her when class is over.

Posting 1
I am creating a portfolio to showcase a comprehensive set of skills and understandings to present to future employers. From previous experience in searching for employment, a portfolio was the driving force for getting the job. A resume is built on words but a portfolio is built on work. In the academic regards, a portfolio showcases intellectual acumen. The process of assembling a portfolio requires dedication, attention to detail, and the willingness to review and edit to perfect one’s work. This will serve me well in many areas because doing the best is always beneficial. Since I have recently organized a portfolio for tutoring side jobs, I am ready to put another one together. I have not put together an online portfolio and am looking forward to acquiring those skills. Also, since this program ends with a capstone project, I think the projects that are in this portfolio can be used in that class or at least help me to understand what to prepare for that class.

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